It's been a while since you've seen the progress on the garden. I wanted to show you what's been happening out here. Spring has arrived!

Everything has come up but the carrots, and I'm afraid they may be a lost cause this year. I've read more about them and realize we probably need to be tilling their rows a lot deeper. Apparently carrots grow in the path of least resistance - that explains some of the "sideways" carrots we got last year! We have managed to fill up every square inch of the twice-expaned garden, even without the carrots. It sure is hard to walk past all those pretty plants at Lowe's, the feed store, the nursery, knowing we have no where to put them. There is still talk of a greenhouse, but those sure are expensive. Shoot, I could get 2 or 3 KitchenAid mixers for that price!

Today, Big John had a super idea. He's thinking of taking the garden the full length of the yard fence and putting the melons there. (Remember my ultimate goal of enlarging the garden the full length of the yard? Am I good or what! Fifteen years of marriage taught me a thing or two. And it was all his idea. Take notes, ladies!) The only problem is that means more fence work. It builds muscles - and character. And I'm sure my chiropractor needs a new car or a spring vacation!

One more bit of exciting news on the horizon: I think I've got the makings of a Farmer's Market in town. Things are starting to rock and roll - there are LOTS of interested buyers, so I'm working on drumming up enough vendors to fill the demand. Good thing we expanded the garden! Once the hens gear back up to full speed, I think we'll be in business!
Enjoy the weather. I hope it's as beautiful where you are as it is here! Summer is just around the corner!
Your garden looks outstanding! I am so proud of you and all that y'all have been doing! It's right up your alley! It is professional, clean, organic, scenic and very diverse! Way to go! I wish we lived closer...I can see our "shop" now...gypsy/cowgirl/western clothing and accessories inside and organic produce and food stuffs on the old barn would be the perfect setting!