to find water GUSHING out from under the back of the house. NOT GOOD.
Recently, Big John and I ran some flimsy wire garden fencing around the west and south sides of the house - the part of the house that's on pier and beam, the original part of the house. From the time we re-sided the house (1999 or so) until a couple of months ago, all sorts of critters have made the underside of our house their home. Chickens lay eggs under the house. Chicken snakes eat eggs under the house. Dogs escape the heat - or in Belle's case, thunder - under the house. Cats flee from wild tom cats under the house. Things die under the house ... you get the picture. It's a mess. We "fixed" it by running that flimsy fencing around it, and that seemed to do the trick pretty well.
I did notice a couple of weeks ago that Belle had managed to push hard enough to escape some gunfire she heard. Then the chickens found that hole and started to spend the days under there again. So when someone - or more likely, something busted a pipe under the house on Friday, that was the last straw. The flimsy fencing came down this morning ...
and beautiful lattice went up in its place.
Fixed. Once and for all! Or until something else happens.
And so it goes around here. Just another day of home improvement!
I can hear those chicks in the last picture, "What the heck? They've shut us out!"