Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Okay, on May 9th I posted my mental summer to-do list. What was I thinking???? Like I had a summer off or something? Come on.

I was so proud of myself this morning. While Sleeping Beauty slept the day away (Big John's working nights and it drives me nuts) I set out to get SOMETHING on that damned list done. I knew I had deliveries and errands after lunch, so the only 1/2 day job I could think of was to clean out the garage.

Now I AM Miss Organization (I should have a crown and sash.) No really. Ask anyone who knows me. My compulsive need for order and organization very often gets in the way of getting the important things done - grading papers, doing taxes, being creative. I thrive on the expression "a place for everything and everything in its place." Really, the world would be better off if everyone would just put stuff back where it belongs ...

Anyway, back to the garage. This is on Big John's side. His Jeep is almost always parked in front of this disgusting, embarrassing mess.

But I know it's there. Every minute of every day of my life, I KNOW it's there. And it eats at me. So today was THE DAY.

I had "helpers." Lucky me.

They were ALMOST as much help as Sleeping Beauty.

And in the blink of an eye (4 hours and a bucket of sweat later), the job was complete!

Now THAT'S  a garage. Organized, orderly, free of mouse poop and dog hair (for the next 10 minutes or so). "A place for everything and EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE." Words to live by.

Oh, and guess what! I went back to mark "clean the garage" off the Summer To-Do List. IT WASN'T EVEN ON THERE.

The only thing I love more than getting something done is marking it off a list. Find the joy, Susie, find the joy.

***(And YES, Big John, I DID get rid of alot of that paint. So there.)

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