With the hens and Sammy in their new digs, Walker and Tribett were feeling pretty left out. And if you've ever had geese, you know they can get vocal. At least that's what I think they were saying. So Big John and I set out to "enhance" their living quarters. What had started a couple of years ago as an enclosed run for chicks quickly became "the goose pen" once Walker and Tribett were big enough to need a permanent night-time enclosure. It was fine - a little saggy in the middle, but they didn't really seem to mind.
As I've gotten older (in the past two years), it's become harder to crawl through the teeny tiny, itsy bitsy door that separates the hen house from the goose pen.
Occasionally I would squirm my way through there only to forget that the enclosure was only 3 feet tall. I'm alot taller than that. (I swear I passed out for a couple of minutes one time from banging my head on a "rafter." Big John was at the barn, though, so my theatrics were wasted. No one came to check on me and I'd fallen in some "stuff" so I got up and pouted for a while. Sometimes a girl needs to be fussed over.)
We started today with demo. We tore out all the wire and boards, then pulled out all the cedar fence posts that we'd used in the initial construction.
Deeper holes were dug by hand (precision work!), posts were set, and MORE concrete was poured. I am REALLY getting tired of pouring concrete this summer. That was it for the first day. The posts will set up overnight, and we'll start framing tomorrow. The plan is to build the goose pen with the same profile as the coop. It will even have it's own door - for tall people! No more concussions! This will be a great daycare for chicks that are big enough to need to run around. Let's hope Walker and Tribett approve!
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