Monday, March 7, 2011


Spring is definitely on it's way - the baby bunnies are popping up everywhere. Yesterday, Big John snatched two from the Jaws of Death and Destruction (aka Daisy.)

Neither one had any obvious signs of damage - no blood, no guts, no missing limbs. We cleaned up the pigeon cage/chick cage/bunny cage and made them a cozy nest of hay. These two were much tinier than the two we found a few months ago, so we tried bottle feeding them. By this morning, we were down to one bunny. The survivor has been moved into the house and is getting Pedialite until we can take him to a nearby Bunny Rescue lady. I'm pretty sure he won't make it through the night. But we'll do our best.

You gotta love Big John. He's truly my hero!

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